So a while back, I came across this picture. Two sisters; two very different models. These women are obviously both physically stunning, but while its easy look at this photograph & think ‘gorgeous’ and just keep scrolling onto the next image, it has resonated with me for so many weeks, I just had to write this blog.
I think as a woman (a plus size woman at that), I’ve become so accustomed to seeing pictures of thin beautiful woman beside a thicker woman, usually with some connotation along the lines of ‘drop 10 pounds in a month’ or ‘look at how fat she has gotten’ or ‘shes wasting away, where have her curves gone?’. For example, type into Google ‘Celebs… thin to fat’ and 15 million hits come up. Now type in ‘Celebs fat to thin’ and 18 million results come up.
Why is this so important?? Because as a society, we have moved towards becoming more accepting of plus size – but at what cost?
We’ve moved to the movement of Thick Vs Thin. Now its all about the weight gain/weight loss, who has cellulite and lose skin-game. Shock horror! Kim Kardashian’s ass has cellulite! Tyra banks gains a few pounds! Kate Middleton loses a few. Why are we pitting woman against each other, and themselves, by constantly comparing and criticizing them by sticking a picture of whatever they are this week (too thick or too thin) next to a picture taken of them 10 years ago, accompanied by the headlines crying out ‘What’s happened to her body/face??’

Why has this become the so much the norm that it doesn’t even register with me the way it should anymore?
Why does it take a picture like the first one above to stop me in my tracks and make me think?
This is what should be normal! Stunningly beautiful woman of ALL sizes rocking their bodies beside each other; big hips to thin hips showing us that EVERY SINGLE BODY IS BEAUTIFUL! Next time you pick up magazines and see these B******T images remind yourself; your perfect and so are they, don’t feed into the problem. Be the one to turn away and tell the next woman you see how amazing she is just the way she is……..
Nicole xxx
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